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,,Popsicles are the new black''

Are you a fan of popsicles? I truly love them. In summertime I could eat them all the time. There are delicious and healthy (in this case) and they refresh every day.
This also contains chia seeds which are very healthy for your body!

Yield: 6 servings


Lemon Chia Berry Popsicles with VOLVIC drinks!


  • 250ml @volvic touch red berries
  • 3Tbsp Chia seeds
  • 1Tbsp Lemon juice
  • 2Tbsp butterfly pea tea
  • 2Tbsp raspberry powder
  • 2 bananas
  • Vanilla
  • 100ml coconut milk


1. Peel the bananas and freeze them overnight. 
2. Mix @volvic touch red berries with butterfly pea powder in a bowl. Wait for 30 minutes.
3.Take out the leaves. Add chia seeds and lemon juice. 
4. Wait 10 minutes. Mix it again. 
5. Wait 1 hour until it looks like a pudding. 
6. Blend the bananas with berrypowder, coconut milk and vanilla until it is creamy. 
7. Pour it in the popsicle forms. Add chia. Put it in the freezer! 
Created using The Recipes Generator

Thanks to @volvic for partnering with me! I am drinking their water for years now! It's so good ❤️ #sponsored


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