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OMG! I can't believe that I really did THAT! I worked so hard on this workshop! For real! I am more than happy to say that it is now ONLINE!


There is one German and one English version. You can choose which one would be better for you! 
You are going to learn:
- Everything about your camera so you understand how to take pictures
- How to decorate, crate and shoot beautiful food photos
- What to do and what not to do
- How to edit your creations
- The frozen berry secret
... and many more important things!

PLUS: You grow with this workshop! There are going to be new videos every week that will teach you new things!


  1. I really liked all your recipe Molagootal & Vazhathandu Pachadi, its very tasty and we as a family enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us. I recommend it for everyone to try once its a very amazing.
    Milk Powder

  2. If you want Food Photography London that provides the best photoshoot services at an affordable price then you can visit Eat Drink Flash Company.

  3. Get best Food Photography in london from experienced photographer Miss Maini London. We are serving reasonable cost food photo sessions.

  4. Bright Foody is a food photographer and food stylist based in Northampton. She specializes in lifestyle, editorial, and commercial work. food photography price list

  5. How would you deal with a location thats not that pretty? Take it and then edit it?

    Click here : Thats the problem I’m having! Not a lot of options to take good photos- bad light and not enough space so I have to edit all of my photos

    Clipping Path Company


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